If at First You Don’t Succeed…Try Again!
I'm not sure
when or how I first heard about something called the Google Teacher Academy.
That was several years ago. I glanced through the program and didn’t consider
it because I thought, “if only a few are selected, I’m not even going to come
close, so I think I’ll just pass”.
Last year, I
was encouraged by a colleague, who was already an Apple Distinguished Educator,
to apply for such recognition. I did just that, and to my surprise I was
honored and selected ADE 2012. “There’s no stopping me now!”, I thought.
after, the opportunity came around again but now with Google. I was looking for
PD opportunities, related to my new position as tech trainer. My school was
about to deploy Google Apps for Education. It seemed to me that Google was the
way to go. I learned from another colleague that there were Google Certified
Trainers and Google Certified Teachers. That’s what I wanted!
I looked at
the requirements for each of them: I had to take 6 tests regarding Google Apps,
attend a Google Teacher Academy, complete a comprehensive application, and
commit to delivering courses at school.
opportunity came around. Applications for the Google Teacher Academy, taking
place in New York, opened up. I created my video, filled out the application,
and sent it all. A few weeks later, the decision day arrived. I received the
notification. It said I had not been selected. Bummer! Well, better luck next
time. I was determined to try again, and again, as long as it would take.
Meanwhile, I
completed the 6 tests and earned Google Qualified Individual status. I became
more active on Twitter, I started my blog, updated my web site, and became more
and more involved with using Google Apps.
Then, another
opportunity arrived, now to the GTA in Mountain View, taking place in December.
I reviewed the previous application and video I had submitted. I made some
changes to the application and created a brand new video. This time I had more
to add to the application. A few weeks later, decision day arrived again. I
received the notification. This time it said something different. The first
thing I read was, “Congratulations!”. Yes! I had been accepted! Yay! I was so
I’m counting
the days and looking forward to attending this much desired academy. I feel
honored to be part of this select group of fine teachers and hope to make lifelong
friends and partners and work together to support education and technology.
Stay posted,
once I attend the academy, I’ll write about my experience and even publish some pictures.
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