The purpose of integrating STEM play time into the preschool grades is to expose students as early as possible to STEM. The NGSS begins with Kinder, so we took the initiative to start with STEM early on. Additionally, a factor we identified was the need for more creative play time. These young students have a very structured day, hence why we promote more play time. Being able to address both needs resulted in the perfect match. Using a very, very basic engineering design model and design thinking structure, we expect students to develop skills that will allow them to explore real-world issues and problems, develop ideas and theories and pursue answers and solutions. Without ever naming or labeling the process, but rather, modeling a more natural approach to solving problems, students will have developed, tested and refined simple prototypes as part a basic design process. In all the experiences children are engaged in, they work collaboratively in small groups, and learn to take turns and assume various roles and responsibilities to work effectively toward a common goal.Nursery and PreKinder groups alternate weeks to participate in STEM Play time. Some of the challenges that they have faced are: build the tallest tower; build a bridge to cross over the water; balance various objects; create a roller coaster; etc. Here's a video with samples of some of the activities they've completed.

You can read more about STEM Play in Preschool in this magazine article and also download the book "STEM Play Experiences in Early Childhood" that includes a description of each of the lessons.



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