DT Logo Challenge

The Elementary digital teachers (DTs) were presented with a challenge during one of our meeting times. They had to work on designing a logo and a “we believe” statement that would represent our DT program. At this time, the activity was led by Gaby, one of the DTs.

Day 1: Gaby used her experience with logo design to introduce what a logo is and how the color selection is key as it may evoke different feelings. Teachers were partnered up and followed these guidelines:
  1. Create a logo and “We believe…” statement that represents the DT Team.
  2. Use/combine creation tools such as Google Drawing or Logo Garden for the logo.
  3. Consider the emotions generated by colors in logos.
  4. Take a screenshot of your logo and insert it onto a slide in a shared Google presentation (see below).
Day 2: Once all the groups had submitted their logo and statement, the next steps were to share, persuade, and vote.
  1. Talk with your Logo team partner.
  2. Choose a spokesperson.
  3. Present your logo to the group.
  4. Choose a spokesperson from your group.
  5. Using Poll Everywhere, vote for your favorite logo created by a DT team member.
Here's a video of the actual voting taking place.

Take a look at the wonderful creations and the winner!



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