Designing a Science Lab

Challenge Back in March, the TI team ( Doug and I) was approached by the principal to see if we could help with the design of a brand new science space. At that time, we were under the impression that there would be a brand new STEM lab for Elementary, apart from the existing science lab. With the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards , this made perfect sense. However, throughout the process we learned that it was not a new space, but rather the relocation and redesign of the current science lab. We also learned that our budget was going to be smaller than what we had thought. Process To get started, we called a meeting with the science reps, the school's projects team, the admin team, and of course, the science lab teacher, Ms. Georgina . This was the first of several meetings. We decided we'd follow the ASFM design process, created in partnership with design expert David Jakes . Provocation: How might we design a learning experience that allows stu...