The Future is Here!

One of the first Ted Talks I remember watching was “Meet the SixthSense interaction” around February, 2009. In this talk Pattie Maes and Pranav Mistry demonstrated a prototype of a project they were working on at the MIT Media Lab . This device would allow you to interact with information that was right in front of you and integrate it to your reality, "making the world your computer". They called it SixthSense . Whoa! I thought it was far beyond amazing! Back in 2009, I was the Tech teacher for grade 5 students. We used to spend part of the class discussing new inventions, the history of computer technology, what’s next, etc. I got so excited by this invention, that the following day I showed the video to my students. Smartphones were already around and many kids had personal devices of all sorts, nonetheless, I could not have anticipated their reaction. They absolutely loved the concept and wanted to have it - NOW! A boy even told me if only I had told...