Kids + iPads = Learning
Well, as they say, "all good things must come to an end". :o( Summer is over and I am back in school, but very excited with my new job position. As of this school year, I am the Technology Integration Specialist for our Elementary Campus. A position I was seeking since two years ago, is finally a reality. Yay! By the way, you will notice that from this post on, the title of this blog will read: "From a tech integrators' perspective." :o) During the summer I attended the ADE North America Institute, in Austin, TX. There was a lot of learning and sharing going on that week amongst colleagues and one very important project saw the light there. I'm talking about the "One Best Thing" project, in which each ADE will share something they feel they are good at. Although an individual task, It started with small group work in which we brainstormed and bounced ideas back and forth. I'm very grateful to my team for guiding me through the process. You...