
Showing posts from February, 2013

Action Plan Time

Greetings ! Would you like to be able to find many ideas on how to integrate technology to your daily lesson plans and target various instructional strategies, all in one single place ? How? Keep reading... As part of my Action Plan, that followed to my attendance to the Google Teacher Academy MTV12, I proposed a project in which the idea is to create a toolbox for teachers with resources, provided by teachers, in which technology supports the GANAG lesson schema, created by Jane E. Pollock and the 9 high yield instructional strategies, by Marzano, Pickering and Pollock. If you're not familiar with this lesson design and strategies, visit this li nk and the ones included below to learn more.  Project Description: To create a database that will provide ideas, tools, and examples on how to integrate technology to each of the steps in the GANAG lesson schema and the 9 high yield Instructional strategies ( Classroom Instruction that Works, Marzano, Pickering...

Creating QR Codes

Last week, fourth grade students started working on a project about Native Americans. They will create an exhibit of the different tribes that includes artifacts, pictures, posters, and QR codes. Parents will be invited, along with other teachers. The kids are so excited preparing for this special day! What is new to the kids is what is a QR code, how to create one and what to do with it. Well, QR code stands for Quick Response code. It works in a similar way as barcodes do. In this case, the image is a matrix that shows an arrangement of squares.  A QR code contains information. It could be a URL, text, a telephone number, etc. In order to "read" a QR code, you will need a QR scanner. There are apps you can download to your mobile device and easily read these codes. The iPad app we use at school is called " Scan ". There are two QR code generators I suggest using : QR Stuff In this application, you ...